
This can change your life.

I'm here tonight to tell you about a father who loved his son and a son who loved his death the way this story's gonna unfold for you it's a little bit different because I want to bring it to now.  you see a dad would go home and he would go by the school and every now and then he would pick up his son and say son why don't you go to work with me the boy loved that and when his dad would just come and pick him up he was the happiest boy ever he knew that he would get to spend the afternoon with his father at work and and he would get his coat and they wouldn't walk and he he would bring hot chocolate for his son for his really cold and they would they would go through but this boy was different this boy would see things this boy wasn't normal and when you know they were walking one afternoon going to where dad worked this boy would notice things that other people would notice he  see things other people wouldn't see he  sees a man in a bathrobe in the middle...

Strengthen your weakness

Problem-solving and decision-making. Ask anyone in the workplace if these activities are part of their day and they answer 'Yes!' But how many of us have had training in problem-solving?We know it's a critical element of our work, but do we know how to do it effectively? People tend to do three things when faced with a problem: they get afraid or uncomfortable and wish it would go away; they feel that they have to come up with an answer and it has to be the right answer; and they look for someone to blame. Being faced with a problem becomes a problem. And that's a problem because, in fact, there are always going to be problems! There are two reasons why we tend to see a problem as a problem : it has to be solved and we're not sure how to find the best solution, and there will probably be conflicts about what the best solution is. Most of us tend to be " conflict-averse ". We don't feel comfortable dealing with conflict and we tend to have the feeling ...

Break THEM before THEY break you

Addiction comes in different ways, and are adorned indifferent garbs ranging from fear, unbelief,worry,anxiety,bitterness,and covetousness, complaining, murmuring, gluttony and talkativeness. Addiction of any kind is crippling and limiting. But the good news is that, it can be overcome because what you don't feed will surely die.  So to enjoy the blessing and new life that come with this new month, you must break your addiction. Here's how Admit that there is a problem:      When you don't acknowledge the existence of a problem you will never see the need to deal with it ----proverb 28:13 Don't blame others for your actions:     Once you start talking responsibility for your actions, you will find it easier to say away or get rid of them ------Job 31v1 Don't feed your monster:     The best way to break an addiction is to starve it.  Don't feed it by continually giving it to starve ----- Number33:52 Submit to God: You will not yield ...

The furnace I can't survive iii

To: Neuter is to render impotent and infertile. It is to mortify and render powerless.  Neuter: N- Negative outlook on life, dwelling on the past.  E- Ensnaring pursuit of the world Romans 12-2 U- Ungodly entertainment and amusement, defilement of heart.  T- Talkative proverbs 10v9 E- Excess pamparing of the flesh   proverbs  23v21 R- Rancouorus emotions, unforgiveness The basic truth is what you don't feed will surely die.  TO:                     Nurture  Nurture is attention or thought that you give to something that you are doing so that you will do well and avoid mistakes or damage.  N-Nourishing the spirit man 2 Corinthians 4v16 U- Unfeigned love for God and man. Matthew 6v33 R- Reaching for greater heights Philippians 3v13 T-shirt Togetherness with Gods children  U-  Unwavering faith in God's promises.  R-Readiness for Christ's turn  Matthew 24v42 E-Endless pass...

The furnace I can't survive (cont)

We thank God for another day, Glory be to God in the Highest.  Consequences of sexual outside marriage. Feeling guilty : you fill guilty after the normal activities of sexual immorality.  Self condemnation  Divided mind Damage self esteem  Hypocrite  Emptiness Disappointment Anger Dishonesty  Depression  Doubt Wasted time Diminish effectiveness: this applies to the pep who walk for God in Religion place, your effectiveness in carrying out God's work diminish. Fear Disobedient to God: thou shall not committe adultery, thou shall not committe fornication. You body is the temple of Holy Ghost Regret  Abortion  Frustration  Damage fellowship with God Crime: rape, Child sex etc Divine punishment : God has anointed you for Greater task but you get in immorality divine punishment is awaiting  Disease HIV/STD Damage to our testimonies Damage to our relationship with God Damage to our ministry  Damage to our future  Damage to our u...

The furnace I can't survive

In our world earth today, things are changing rapidly into incorrectable platform, amendment never go through the earth mind, we go through our ways, sun goes down in the evening, rises again when it is morning.  It is a plan laid down principles at the beginning of the world, even till now, those who follow the rules love it, find pleasure in it, taste it, and not that alone connection happened beyond physical.    good,sweet,pleasure,but also deadly "sex" sexual intercourse. .all kinds of domestic violence/abuse  happened not because of anything but sex, prostitution with aim of gain involve in sx,mark for high grade in school from lecturers involves sx, To get employment you may be offer sx, before getting employed ,Sx for promotion. It's good and okay in marriage, marriage is the only place the can contain all form of emotions and feelings and pleasure, you get it together but outside marriage is deadly though sweet, pleasant, emotion,feeling but it will kill you,...

The raging storm I stopped

         Whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing. Can two walk together unless they agreed? Marriage is the perfection which love aimed at ignorant of what is sought.  A rare spoil for a man, is the winning of the a good wife.  Only a person who has faith in Himself is able to be faithful to others.  There's nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife,confounding their enemies and delighting their friends. A man's best fortune or his worst, is his wife.  The love we have in our youth is superficial compare to the love that can old has for his old wife.  A man should be taller, older,heavier,uglier,an hoarse than his wife.  Man best asset is sympathetic wife.  An ideal wife is any woman who has and ideal husband.  Every mother is like a Moses she do not enter the promise land,she prepared a world she will not see.  Back of every achievement is a proud wife a...