This can change your life.

I'm here tonight to tell you about a

father who loved his son and a son who

loved his death the way this story's

gonna unfold for you it's a little bit

different because I want to bring it to


you see a dad would go home and he

would go by the school and every now and

then he would pick up his son and say

son why don't you go to work with me the

boy loved that and when his dad would

just come and pick him up he was the

happiest boy ever he knew that he would

get to spend the afternoon with his

father at work and and he would get his

coat and they wouldn't walk and he he

would bring hot chocolate for his son

for his really cold and they would they

would go through but this boy was

different this boy would see things this

boy wasn't normal and when you know they

were walking one afternoon going to

where dad worked this boy would notice

things that other people would notice he see things other people wouldn't see he sees a man in a bathrobe in the middle

of the street who's yelling at a

second-story window he sees a woman

who's very angry at him and doesn't

really want to hear what he says this

boy is the rest of the world hustles by

he slows down he sees the hurt and the

pain he sees the anguish in the sorrow

he sees the window closed and a

desperate man true that he hurting his

other man and this boy would see these


his father rushes and gets him by the

hand and says let's go be late he would

stop and look one more time can I stop

his pain

can I stop her hurt but the boy loved

his father they would go and they would

catch the new trolley I think that's

what you call it here we call it a train

you I don't know the words but he would

get on there with his dad and the boy

would just notice people he would look

and that day one in particular he

noticed something as he got on the train

as you can hear there's a train coming

and I got to get through this before the

train gets here he saw a man he saw a

woman he saw that the man seemed very

happy and the woman seemed very sad and

he couldn't understand why they could be

together and one be happy and the other

be sad he couldn't understand that but

the little boy knew that there was

something wrong he had this feeling this

instinct that was amazing how he cared

for other people but he loved none other

than his father he knew his dad he loved

him and as he watched the world and

they're hurting their pain he knew that

he would always have a father but even

noticed this I need you to understand as

you hear this story and get involved in

the life of this man and his son I need

you to notice that there's no mom. they

walk through the woods the boy would say

to his father dad what will I do when I

grow up

where will I get to the cool job like

yours how will I work he said I don't

know but I want to change the world I

want to do something great I want to do

something wonderful I want to help

people I want to do something that they

could change the lives of anyone I just

want to be that great I just want to do

something good and as they walked with

his dad his dad would say son you will

be great

you will be awesome you will change the

world your life is going to be

incredible there was a train coming

there's always a truck

the train is called life we're all on

the train of life just riding whether we

realized the truth or not really realize

what's happening or not we're all on the

same train together only God has saw it

fit for us to be in the same room in the

same car for such a time as this when

they get to the edge of the train track

he could see where his father worked you

see the bridge that's what his dad did

you see the bridge was very very

important boats needed to come to the

harbour to get off their goods so they

can make money but trains were coming

with people going from one town to the


not many cars in Europe so they couldn't

use a lot of that so many people got

enough roads so everybody to get from

the town to town to get to work and to

get who in one day the train was coming

by but you have to understand is that

boy love going to work with his dad he

would stay by the river's edge and he

would do what he loved to do the most

let me explain that he loved to fish

anybody liked to fish.

all the guys go the dad looks at his boy

and he says son I remember two rules you

got to stay right here

because I can see you from the window

right here don't get out of the side of

this window because you got to stay

there so I know you're good but as you

can hear the train's coming.

the father's job was cool if I wouldn't

a preach I wouldn't mind doing that get

to work get grease on you even if you

didn't have to just burn it all you like

you felt like you did so that's what I

would do there was a boat coming in the

harbor timing is very essential I'll go

ahead and give you the key the key is

this there's always a light everybody

say like say it again

one more time there's a light that the

train conductor needs to see if that

light is green he can go if it's red he

must stop you see God has given us road

signs in our life then we must read tell

us to stop whether we read those and

believe them or not is up to us that's

why some of you have fallen and you

cannot get up but tonight that's why I'm

here the boat needed to come through so

he call him the man said okay I got time

it's a long time before the train should

come so he pulls the lever as you just

saw and the big big huge stone steel

bridge the gears started turning

they started cranking the steam all of a

sudden gears are moving and that big

huge bridge is just starting to go up as

it rises higher

he has to watch and make sure everything

said everything's good everything's fine

as he looks out the window he could see

everything but the dad being a good dad

keeps one eye on his work but the other

eye on his baby one eye on the world but

the other eye on his children you think

God doesn't know where you are he keeps

one eye on his world and one eye on his

child no matter what you've done and

where you've been it's one eye on the

world but the other eyes on you he's

watched you and he's kept you even

though your train is coming down the

track he understands that and even

though sometimes to get ahead of himself

see the red light he doesn't see so will

you tell you don't see the red lights

you just say

the train was early the boy can hear and

see the steam and he looks as a steady

to train daddy daddy two trains early


hey daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy the

tray daddy the train's coming but the

dad was looking at the years making sure

he had enough oil making sure there was

enough steel to get the bridge back down

for the Train and then what the boy knew

one thing they listened the boy knew

that his dad wouldn't have showed him

where the trigger was it was a red lever

if he pulls it the train bridge would

clacks down fast and the training be

able to come across all the boy knew was

there were people on that train there

were people that needed to be saved

there were people that had cell phones

just with their friends having a good

time like everything's fine they did not

know that the bridge was up they did not

know what was coming they're just living

their life like you and me just going

down the road just blame the whole thing

doing the whole thing and the dad all of

a sudden here's the train coming he

looks and in example my son he looks out

and his boys gone he's like oh my god

where's my son where's my son

he got up today he looks back just in

time to see his son trying to save the

day all he had to do was pull that lever

he reaches in the pulley and the boy

pulls too far and he falls in the hole

now its own the Father and God the

Father did you hear me God the Father

has to make a choice it's his now do I

save my son I god save the world

they don't even know they livin now the

greatest decision of his life he

complained middle did not seen the red

light he could blame it doesn't matter


pull the lever save the world leave it

up save your son

God so loved

don't worry he gave His only Son

using him.

they never would know they didn't even

know what the train goes by it's fine

everything's cool two bridges down just

like always it's always gonna be down.

for God so loved the world that He gave

and you know what's amazing I wonder

what God did right when his son died on

that cross when he breathed his last

breath when he took that path and he

breathes and it was over

here's what the father would look like

they didn't even know we're just trying

to think of their life it's trying to

figure out what they're gonna do next

just thinking about the person they're

gonna see the people they're gonna hang

out with just trying to be just loving

caring doesn't matter if you're blind

doesn't matter if you're putting a

little more makeup trying to look pretty

for somebody or just wearing another

mask it doesn't matter

God gave his son change and there was a

girl in the bathroom on the train

liquefying her heroin

but in one moment when he listened in

one moment his Bible says everybody gets

a chance and one moment to see the look

of the Father when he knows what he when

you realize what he did for you when you

realize the sacrifice when you realize

he let his son die

so they could live when you realize what

he did no matter what you're doing no

matter where you're at in his life no

matter what you're a part of you've

gotta stop you gotta stop even if it's

for one second and thing my god he did

it for me did I pray to God you drop

what you're doing

job what you doing with the Holga pain

hurt did it

that's why you're so quiet

you see the trains for the trains coming

everybody has things you have ways of of

each other oh no I don't want to do that

I don't want but why do I keep doing

even Paul said why do I do

my flesh tells me and I do what I know

is wrong and I don't do what I know is

right you can understand tonight

the fight is on and we can win we become

more than conquerors through Jesus

Christ and I'm not preaching just for me

I'm preaching on behalf of you but you

gotta understand this there had to be a

moment in those three days when Jesus

died on a Friday and rose again on a

Sunday it had to be this moment go ahead

and look at the screen when it was just

God this baby

every sin that's ever been committed in

this house is rolling through your mind

right now I'm here to tell you that as

the Sun sets in the afternoon the Sun

will rise again and when the Sun rises

again you cannot change your past but

you can't change your future you see

it's always a different day one day

someone lives the next day they die the

next day you wake up and you're still

living you're like what I'm not gonna

live why does this have to be my turn

what can I you guys I need you to see

the whole picture here you see cuz when

God the Father gave His only Son and

when Jesus Christ breathed his last

breath that he died

he did it in a way that you can never

ever say you don't know me you don't

understand me God don't understand my


God don't understand my sorrow you see

that's the very train that was that boy

was on that's the very train that he was

on and as this dad remembers look real

close you see the pictures of the people


if there's somebody added in the picture

in the BAM there they are

do you see who's that in it in every

face of every person Jesus is in their

life why because when you're the

greatest sacrifice you always end up in

everyone's life no matter where they are

who they are he did it so that you can

say he was there all the time waiting

patiently in light Jesus Christ was

there all the time in the trains going

train keeps coming

train keeps moving people keep living

and people keep dying and God the Father

just watches it the world the other eye

on you some of you are starting to

figure it out you like what is he

looking for just one girl to see the

whole horrible day

god only had his eyes and moving the

person it was just the day

be good bad things are passed away

behold all tenants become he he did it

so that we can live no matter what the

sin no matter what the pain no matter

what to saw the sacrifice was perfect

and it was for you and God the Father

watches it all and all he could see



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