Break THEM before THEY break you

Addiction comes in different ways, and are adorned indifferent garbs ranging from fear, unbelief,worry,anxiety,bitterness,and covetousness, complaining, murmuring, gluttony and talkativeness.

Addiction of any kind is crippling and limiting. But the good news is that, it can be overcome because what you don't feed will surely die.  So to enjoy the blessing and new life that come with this new month, you must break your addiction. Here's how

  1. Admit that there is a problem:      When you don't acknowledge the existence of a problem you will never see the need to deal with it ----proverb 28:13
  2. Don't blame others for your actions:     Once you start talking responsibility for your actions, you will find it easier to say away or get rid of them ------Job 31v1
  3. Don't feed your monster:     The best way to break an addiction is to starve it.  Don't feed it by continually giving it to starve ----- Number33:52
  4. Submit to God: You will not yield to the manipulation of the devil when you are totally surrendered To God.  And being subject unto authority will always make you think about the possible consequences of your actions before you take them ----- Jame 4 :7
  5. Depend upon God:     You can't get rid of addiction all by yourself. Willpower can't do it, only Jesus. Depend upon him to help you -----phillipians 2v13
  6. Flee temptations : Do not put yourself in a tempting situation. Avoid anyone or anything or any place that make you prone to sinning or sliding into bad habit---Proverb 4:16
  7. Practice godliness : it takes a habit to overcome a habit.  Get into the habit of faith to overcome your fear, hard work to get rid of laziness and speak the truth always no matter the consequences if you want to overcome lying-------- Phillipians4:8.
     Break your addiction. 


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