The furnace I can't survive

In our world earth today, things are changing rapidly into incorrectable platform, amendment never go through the earth mind, we go through our ways, sun goes down in the evening, rises again when it is morning. 

It is a plan laid down principles at the beginning of the world, even till now, those who follow the rules love it, find pleasure in it, taste it, and not that alone connection happened beyond physical.   

good,sweet,pleasure,but also deadly "sex" sexual intercourse. .all kinds of domestic violence/abuse  happened not because of anything but sex, prostitution with aim of gain involve in sx,mark for high grade in school from lecturers involves sx, To get employment you may be offer sx, before getting employed ,Sx for promotion.

It's good and okay in marriage, marriage is the only place the can contain all form of emotions and feelings and pleasure, you get it together but outside marriage is deadly though sweet, pleasant, emotion,feeling but it will kill you,and render you useless. 

I was in a restaurant one day about 17 years ago, the restaurant manager said to me after eating she want to see me,i reply OK, but I noticed her making a place too, for sleeping, so I knew are intentions towards me, so after I am done with my food I ran away,Lol, it's Just God who save me. 

Married women are after young man just because of sex, married men are after young ladies just for pleasure. 

Music industries homelete of sexual activities. 

Movies with all kind of names promote sexual activities even on screen. 

Sex  has taken away a lot of glory, some will have make it in life if they have keep themselve but they don't know the kind of people they slept with, they don't know maybe its  a marine spirit, demon from the pit of hell, witches and wizards they don't.

Many young ladies on campus are living walking dead 🚶 their value, glory is taking away just because of causal sex. 

Dangerous people are with dangerous private part which you will never know of you only is the outward but deadly, snake penis, dog vagina etc just because of money, chocolate, fruits, goodies, foods, to allow dangerous connection

Many still keep themselves but inwardly they are not porn has taking over, 

Dangerous romantic movies, kiss, romance, still kept secure,night party, all kind of self sex. 

Maid are not safe again at their masters house, madam, Oga boss, chasing their maids around the house.


await your time, be patient, keep yourself ,associate with right people, Stay positive......................(cont) 


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