The furnace I can't survive iii


Neuter is to render impotent and infertile. It is to mortify and render powerless. 


N- Negative outlook on life, dwelling on the past. 

E- Ensnaring pursuit of the world Romans 12-2

U- Ungodly entertainment and amusement, defilement of heart. 

T- Talkative proverbs 10v9

E- Excess pamparing of the flesh   proverbs  23v21

R- Rancouorus emotions, unforgiveness

The basic truth is what you don't feed will surely die. 

TO:                     Nurture 

Nurture is attention or thought that you give to something that you are doing so that you will do well and avoid mistakes or damage. 

N-Nourishing the spirit man 2 Corinthians 4v16

U- Unfeigned love for God and man. Matthew 6v33

R- Reaching for greater heights Philippians 3v13

T-shirt Togetherness with Gods children 

U-  Unwavering faith in God's promises. 

R-Readiness for Christ's turn  Matthew 24v42

E-Endless passion for soul. 

You can build a good habit from the bad habit. How? 

Cross changing : if you are a thief, change from the habit and be your brother's keeper 

There are different Sexual categories you must know

  1. Sexual purity/sexually pure, this is the category God want us to be.
  2. Sexually polluted 
  3. Hymenage pollution
  4. Sex in the heart 
  5. X-ray spirit 
  6. Shaving Samson:  you lost your power through sex, disobedient 
  7. Chronic deliverance you need
  8. Altar prisoners
  9. Evil negative charge
  10. Lost glory and destiny 
  11. Demoted prophet with divine judgement 
  12. Hiding infirmity group
  13. Baby polygamist :having another of girlfriend 
  14. Generations curse
  15. Castatrophics children
  16. Curse sexual oragan 
  17. Bewitched womb
  18. Prostitute 
  19. Spiritual sex
  20. Violent introduction.  Rape to disvirgin
  21. Any kind of rape
  22. Sexual day dreamer
  23. Soul ties
  24. Magic or occultic ring hold
  25. Sexual addiction 
  26. Curse hand roaming around your private part
  27. Wet dream constant
  28. Sleeping with animal/beastianism
  29. Pornography/sex fun
  30. Pornographic material /magazines 
  31. Sexy books /romatic book
  32. Cloth that show our shape
  33. lesbianism
  34. Homosexuality
  35. Oral sex / pervertion of disorder
  36. Group sex
  37. Sex with children 
  38. Incest
  39. Funny and pesting
  40. Taking drugs to excite sexual
Solution to sexual sin

  1. Flee
  2. Burn the bridges 
  3. Discipline your body
  4. Renew your heart
  5. Make a covenant with your eye. Job 31 v 1
  6. Go for diliverance
  7. Learn the power of prayer and word of God
  8. Seek for Help
  9. Let God be your obsense


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